

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

{Future Olympian 2028?}

This past week Anna completed her 8 week Tumblebee class through the City of De Pere.  I was really pleased with the class, we had done a similar one through the Y last year, but this class seemed to offer more and the teacher was fabulous.  The first 20 minutes of each class would be spent playing on the gym equipment and the remaining 15-20 minutes was spent in circle time playing games and singing songs related to the weekly theme.  Anna's favorite activities seem to be the balance beam, bar, and trampoline.  It was fun to see how much better she got at each activity as the weeks went by, especially the bar.  By the last class she was starting to swing and try to pull her legs up on it.  Do we have a future gymnast on our hands? 

Loving the bar!

Walking accross the mats
Anna's teacher helping her bring up her legs

Singing and dancing during circle time

Walking the balance beam

Swinging on the bar

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