

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Somehow Anna has grown from a precious sweet little baby to a very busy 2 year old.  I do not know how the time goes so fast, but she is now a full blown toddler who loves to play outside, go to the park, play with her puppies, play with bubbles and cuddle with mom and dad.  She is learning go potty on the potty, and is starting to speak full sentences.  Her speech manages to amaze us every day as she becomes more and more clear with her words.  Anna turned 2 this past Sunday and we celebrated with a party at the park with family and friends and Anna had an absolute blast playing at the park with friends, eating cake, and of coure, loved opening all the wonderful gifts she received.  We are very grateful for all who came to help us celebrate her special day. 

Opening gifts with Mom and Dad

Having so much fun at her party

Family Picture :)

Sneaking some frosting...

Anna LOVES cake!

Playing with friend Kate at the park!

Friends playing at the park

Swinging with Liz
Bob and I gave Anna her gift last weekend and needless to say Anna hasn't stopped jumping since - it has become a big hit in our backyard!

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