

Monday, January 30, 2012


Bob and I finally got a chance to take Anna sledding this past weekend.  Anna absolutely loves to play outside, winter or summer, warm, or cold, it doesn't matter, Anna is totally an outdoor girl!  Our winter weather wise has been less than desirable and while we are loving the mild temperatures, Anna is not loving the lack of snow to play in!  So Sunday morning we bundled up and took Anna to a park that close by that has a hill perfect for sledding.  Unfortunately, once we had Anna all bundled up to play outside, she was absolutely devasted when we got in the car and didn't go out front to play like she is use to.  Luckily, our desination wasn't very far from home! :)

A very sad Anna:(
Once we got to the park, Anna perked up and loved the sledding!  There were lots of weee's, squeals, smiles, and laughs from all of us:)

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