

Sunday, July 10, 2011

{Best Fourth of July Weekend Ever!}

This past holiday weekend was absolutely fantastic.  We had such beautiful weather all weekend long, which allowed us to finally get outside and enjoy some fun in the sun, as well as get a lot done around the house that was WAY over due!  Our weekend was busy - we started Saturday at the botanical gardens where our good friend Kelly graciously took some pictures of Anna for us.   I haven't seen them all yet, but she has been sending me sneak peeks this week and I already love them!  Big thanks to Kelly for sharing her time and talent with us!

After the botanical gardens, Bob and I took Anna to the wildlife sanctuary and then home for a quick nap.  After Anna woke up, we packed up, grabbed our favorite spot at Voyager Park in De Pere and had a picnic.  Overall, it was a great family fun day!  Sunday Bob and I worked our little tails off (I finally cleaned windows!!!) and did other stuff around the house.  That night we had our good friends Dave and Jo over for a little Mexican fiesta...after some tasty food, we headed outside where we watched 3 rather large firework shows - so fun and thank you neighbors!!!  We completed our weekend Monday with some more time outside with Anna, ran errands, stopped in at my parents and then went up to my dad's office to watch the Fire Over the Fox fireworks downtown.  I was shocked that Anna managed to stay awake to see them, but she did....and fell asleep right before the best part - the finale! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Fourth of July weekend!

All Dressed Up & Ready for Fun!

Hanging with Daddy at Titletown


Beautiful View

Waiting for Fireworks

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