The other day, my mom and I were talking and she said something to me that really got me thinking. She said, “Your dad and I were talking this morning and it dawned on me. I am done raising you. There is nothing more I can teach you, I can no longer “parent” you, I’m done. From here I can only guide you and give you my opinion. You are an adult now and self sufficient. You are able to make your own decisions.” It really got me thinking. Are we really ever “done” being a parent? I don’t think, as a parent, no matter what the age your children are, you never really stop worrying about them and for the health, safety and well-being, but I do think my mom raises a good point. Now I am older, graduated college, have a career, am a wife and mother, and our relationship has changed - and in an amazing way. While we will always have that "parent/child" relationship, it now goes deeper than that. I can confide in my parents the way I would a friend, and the best part is, they totally get me! They know exactly what I like, what I don’t like, how I think. They know where I came from and what I want out of life. It is no longer their responsibility to take care of me, but rather enjoy me and my family. It is such a special relationship and I am so lucky that we have that bond together.
This whole parent thing is still a strange concept for Bob and I to wrap our hands around. We have fallen into a good routine of bottles, diapers, feeding, rocking, playing and caring for Anna. I have no doubt in our ability to take care of her, but we haven’t really had to make any of the big decisions yet. Where will she go to school? When will we let her pierce her ears or wear make up? What age will we let her date? What will her curfew be? Some of this stuff totally freaks me out. When I was a teenager I was never concerned about my safety when I was out and about with my friends, I really never thought anything bad would happen. Looking back, some of things I did probably weren’t the best decisions I have ever made. I have a whole new respect for my parents…they had to have faith in me I would make good decisions and now Bob and I will have to put the same faith in Anna and in ourselves to teach her the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and how to make good decisions – talk about the ultimate responsibility!
Everyone says, when you have a baby, all the hard work, sleepless nights, and sacrifices are worth it when they smile and laugh at you. Don’t get me wrong, there is no doubt that Anna’s smile doesn’t melt my heart, but I believe the sacrifices we will make will utlitmately be worth it when Anna is older and Bob and I have the same relationship with her as we do our parents now – what a gift that will be! Thanks mom and dad for all you have done for us kids - it wasn’t until I became a parent myself that I truly understood the sacrifices you have made!
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