6 (quick!) Months Ago - Bringing Anna Home from the Hospital
Miss Anna - 2 Weeks Old
And now - 6 months old and such a big girl in my cute pink tutu swimsuit!
We celebrated Anna's "half" birthday with pizza Saturday night and of course, couldn't help but give her a present!
Beyond celebrating Anna's half birthday, we had a pretty busy weekend. Friday night my mom and I headed down to Waukegan IL to see Bethany Frankel, from the New York Housewives on Bravo. Both my mom and I find ourselves addicted to the Housewives shows on Bravo and the New York cast and Bethany are our favorite. For Christmas I surprised my mom with tickets to see her. The show was great and we had such a fun time bonding over dinner, going to the show, and doing some shopping before heading back to Wisconsin on Saturday. After doing plenty of damage at the Le Creuset and Carter's outlets, we stopped in at Trader Joe's in Milwaukee and then headed back to Green Bay Saturday night to celebrate with Bob, my dad, and Anna.
My mom and I Dressed in Red Before the Show
The first Sunday without football in a long time led to a dilemma - what to do? We decided to take advantage of the sunny day and took a ride up to Door County with my parents. We took Anna and my parent's dogs for a walk in the snow at Peninsula State Park and then headed back to Heritage Lake and had snacks and went swimming. We had such a fun time enjoying the fresh air and warm water in the pool. Anna was a little more unsure about the water this time around, but quickly warmed up to the idea and seemed to really enjoy it. She also loved walking around in the snow - so cute to watch her giggle over the dogs as they sniffed their way through the snow:)
Anna All Bundled Up and Ready to Go!
And Off We Go!
Mom, Dad, Brewski, and Lucy
Swimming with Daddy!
Other exciting news in the Seidel family is I finally, officially, started part time at my job at Integrys last week. I had requested going part time a few months back, received approval back in December, and finally transitioned to a part time employee last week. I am thrilled I was able to work out an arrangement at work that will allow me to continue to work and yet still be able to spend two days a week at home with Anna. It seems to be the perfect balance for me and am so thankful we are able to make it work. Bob has been so supportive of my quest to go part time and I really appreciate his support and understanding. I am a little overwhelmed at work, as my work load has not changed much and I am still on a learning curve from my transition last April. I had just 3 short months at my new job before going on maternity leave and have been a very busy bee since I have been back learning and documenting my job functions. Overall, I really enjoy my job and the people I am working with and look forward to going back full time sometime down the road. Until then, I am thankful I get to spend two days a week at home with Anna. Every day with Anna is such a blessing - she is changing every day and I am very thankful for this opportunity!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Anna! Amazing how fast things change, isn't it?