

Monday, June 27, 2011

{11 Month Update}

Holy cats, I cannot believe I am writing Anna's 11 month update!  How dare she grow up so quick on us! :)  I cannot believe that a month from now our little lady will be a year old!!!  Bob and I were thinking back this weekend to a year ago and how different our lives are since Anna joined our world...we wouldn't change the craziness of parenthood for anything!  Anna is ridiculously funny, crazy, and lovable, all at the same time! 

So at 11 months, Anna...

...Wears 12 - 18 month clothing

...Has officially grown out of her infant carrier....due to her length she was probably ready to transition out like a month ago, but I don't think mom and dad were quite ready yet....seriously, where do I put her in the morning while I am getting ready to leave without her pulling out all the tupperware? 

..Takes 3 bottles a day and eats lots of fruit, cheese, pastas, yogurt, crackers, beans, chicken....pretty much will try anything we put in front of her. 

...Goes down around 8 and sleeps until 6 or 7 each morning...and on a normal day takes two 2 hour naps

...Has 8 teeth and quite the cute smile:)

...Can stand up in the middle of a room with no assistance...

...Has started to take those wobbly couple of first steps...

...Knows the word "no" and shakes her head back and forth when you say it - so cute.

...Waves bye-bye and reaches out when she wants something she sees.

..Says "Da" for daddy and "Ma Ma Ma" for mommy, although I am convinced "Ma Ma Ma" is equivalent to bubbas (bottle), nukseys (pacifier) and me....

...Loves to ride the merry go round at Bay Beach and playing in her kiddie pool in the backyard.

...Is quite the social butterfly...she LOVES people and quite the little personality is starting to emerge.

...Happy 11 month birthday Miss Anna Bananna - we love you to pieces!!!

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