

Saturday, May 14, 2011

{The End of an Era}

(Post is from Thursday, May 12th)

Thursday nights have always provided a glimmer of fun for Bob and I…as the work week starts to feel too long and you don’t know if you could bare another day, Bob and I typically did not stress….for we knew we had something to look forward to - wing night at Frankenstein’s… always promised for a good time….not sure if it was the promise of good food, good drinks, or the comfort of good people…probably a combination of all of the above…but on most Thursday nights, we would head out to Frankenstein’s in New Franken for dinner, drinks, laughs, and fun. We would typically be joined by Bob’s parents, their good friends, Pete and Pat Vanduyse, Bob’s Aunt Mary, and often times other family and friends, whether it be my mom and dad or the Hyska family, we were never disappointed. I can recall conversations of happy times, sad times, scary times….and everything in between.

Tonight was special in itself….two weeks ago, Bob’s sister Becky tragically lost her husband. We are still coming to grips with what happened and we don’t have many clear answers yet. It goes without saying it has been a very tough road for both the Seidel and Gulcynski family. The world lost a son, brother, father, and husband way too young. Becky and the girls came home tonight to celebrate Ann’s graduation on Saturday, and it was wonderful having them home. One of the things Becky has missed the most about not living in Green Bay is joining us for wings on Thursday night….so off to Frankenstein’s we went….only to learn as of Saturday they were shutting their doors. We were shocked to learn the news, and I think all were a little disappointed….But wouldn’t you know, tonight was one of those nights that we ALL showed up, and we had a great time! Becky - I hope you found some peace and comfort tonight with family and friends….we love you and the girls lots and are always here for you.

Thanks Frankenstein’s Crew… will be missed, but I have no doubt we will see you soon….somewhere new next Thursday night!

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