

Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Little "Rae" of Sunshine!

I wanted to take a quick minute to share one of our favorite moments with Anna. Bob and I absolutely love getting Anna up from her crib in the morning! Anna is such a happy baby all day long, but the mornings are by far so special. She never seems to wake up crying. After getting ready each morning, I come into the kitchen, let the dogs out, make breakfast, and pack a lunch. Typically somewhere in that time Anna wakes from her slumber. Instead of crying, she lets us know she is awake and ready for her day with her precious coos and babbles. This typically continues all the way to my mom’s house as she continues to “sing” to me in the car. Bob and I have been meaning to take video of happy Miss Anna Rae in the morning and finally did, complete with her morning sneezes, eye flutters, and stretches...Enjoy

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