Bob, Anna, and I are proud to share that Everly Claire made her debut on 12/31/2012 at 12:17 AM. Everly weighed 7 lb, 12 oz at birth and was 19 inches long. I was scheduled for an induction on January 2, as Bob and I were hoping for a 2013 baby, but little Miss Evie had other plans. While the tax deduction will be great, Anna has to have surgery on her thumb in 2013, so we were hoping to knock the deductible out in one shot. Either way, we are so excited that she is here and happy to report we are doing great!

I woke up on Sunday morning and felt good, but told Bob I felt like I should walk so we got dressed, ate, and packed up and headed to the mall to walk around. Sure enough, shortly after getting there I told Bob I felt like I had a contraction or two. So I started noting them and they were anywhere from 9 to 17 minutes apart. Around 1, we met up with my mom and my mom, Anna and I headed to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner before going to my parents to watch the game. While at the store the contractions started to pick up and by the time we got back to my parents they were more like 8-9 minutes apart. Bob downloaded an app to track them on the ipad and we settled in for the game. By halftime they were closer to 5 or 6 minutes apart so I called the Dr. Unfortunately my Dr was on vacation for New Years, but the on call Dr said we could come in to be checked and monitored. By the time we got to the hospital, they were 3-4 minutes apart. We spent close to 3 hours in triage walking and walking and finally I had progressed enough to be admitted, close to 5 cm. Once admitted and in our room, I quickly requested an epidural. They had to call the Dr in to administer it and he was at home, so what felt like an eternity, but it was only like 20-30 minutes before I got the epidural. Once I received the epidural, I was blissfully in heaven. I quickly went from 5 cm to 10 in the next half hour and after about 40 minutes of pushing Evie made her big debut. Overall, I was in active labor for about 6 hours and it wasn't too bad. (I can say that now that is over:))
Everly is doing great! She is eating like a champ and on a very consistent 3 hour schedule. Both Bob and I can't get over how easy going and content she is. She is as cute as a button and Anna loves to help! She likes to help with feeding, diaper changes and loves to hold her. Bob goes back to work next week so we have quite a few transitions to work through ahead of us, but are looking forward to settling in with our new addition and getting sleep whenever we can:) Below are some pictures from her big debut!
My mom was so excited she got to be there for the birth! |
Evie and Dad |
Grandma loving grand-daughter #2! |
Anna is so excited to be a big sister! |
The perks of a New Years Eve baby - champagne in the hospital - thanks Kelly! |
Proud Grandparents |
Grandma Seidel enjoys a snuggle |
Papa Paul made it up that night to meet Miss Evie |
First Family Photo |
Aunt Liz and Anna take a peak at Miss Evie
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