

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

{Everly's 1 Month Update}

I can't believe it's been a whole month since Miss Evie joined our world!  In the past month Bob and I have been reminded of all the joys and fun that come with an infant (the cuddles, smiles, and those cute squeaky noises they make) and of course the hard parts (is it really time to get up and feed her again?!?!) but overall we are adjusting quite well to a family of four and it kind of feels like she has been with us for as long as I can remember.

Evie is doing great (other then a stuffy nose and congestion), she is a wonderful eater, takes 3 ounces every 3 hours or so and is starting to sleep really well. (As well as we can expect a one month old to sleep I suppose :)). We are getting 4-5 hours out of her and then another 2-3 hour stretch after she wakes to eat and has her diaper changed.  Evie weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz when she was born and at her two week checkup, she was up to 8 lbs, 15oz.  I can't get over how fast she is growing and how much she eats!  Some feedings she will take up to 4 oz, a much different eater then Anna was.  She is a very content and passive baby (must be all that nutrition!). Evie absolutely loves her bath, as it has become part of our nightly routine, I heat the bathroom up with a heater and fill the bath with an inch or so of warm water and lay her on a towel. She coos and and kicks and it really seems to relax her. The other night she actually fell asleep in the tub!  She is still sleeping much of the day and we are doing our best to make sure she has enough wake time, tummy time etc during the day and it seems as though her internal clock is slowly starting to sort out day time from night time.


Evie fell asleep during our first monthly photo shoot, apparentlty she is not impressed having a camera in her face...

I'm happy to say that Anna is also adjusting so well to the new addition. She cutely refers to her as "baby sister" instead of "Everly" more times then not, and has nothing but love and affection for her and loves to help hold the bottle, change diapers, etc. We have had a few jealous moments but I think those are to be expected and we absolutely cannot wait to watch Anna teach Everly all kinds of new things as they grow.  Anna has continued to go to school two days a week while I am off and we are starting a new tumbling class this week and I think the consistency in her schedule has really helped with the adjustment.

Anna has her stool set up at Evie's changng table so she can help with diaper changes
Bob and I are doing good as well other then the fact that we cannot seem to get well. I have been sick on and off, (although it feels more like on) since mid December and cannot seem to get rid of it.  It feels like my body never really caught a break between the flu, labor, caring for a newborn, etc. I finally broke down and went to the Dr and got an antibiodic and I am hoping that helps.  Bob recently came down with it and I am sure it would be easier to get rid of if we were getting more sleep. Bob is crazy busy at work as it always seems to be, but he has still been such a huge help when he gets home and durning the night and I know how exhausted he is and couldn't be more thankful for his help.

It seems like the only healthy one  in the family is Anna right now as Evie has been extremely congested for the past week or so.  I have decided I am totally over winter and flu season. It was much easier to have a baby in the summer (note to self if we decide to have 3:)).

Other then that we are just starting to adjust to a new "schedule" with Evie and taking it day by day.  Some days are harder then others, and alot of housework goes undone, but am really enjoying my time off with the girls and yet find myself looking forward to going back once we are sleeping more:)  Now that we know where the girls will be going to day care I am so much more comfortable with going back to work as Anna has done so well at First Preschool, we know it will be great for Evie as well.  I just wish while I was home with the girls I had another 2 hands to do things:)

Michele impromptuly came home for a weekend 2 weeks ago and it was so great having her here and really enjoyed her visit, we went for a nice dinner out at Eve's, did some shopping and celebrated Liz's 24th birthday. As always, her visit went by way too fast, but we enjoyed our time with her, especially Anna!  They played with makeup, did hair, played with toys, read books, and had a sleepover together and I know Michele really enjoyed her time with her.  Anna was convinced she was going to go back to Chelly's house when she left and when she was told she needed a plane ticket to do so, she asked just about anybody she saw for a "ticket" for the next day or so. We are hoping to plan a trip out east sometime this summer.

Michele enjoys a cuddle with Miss Evie
We took the girls up to Heritage Lake to swim this past weekend and really enjoyed getting out.  No
matter how exhausted we all are, it feels good to get out of the house, especially in the winter and so we enjoyed some much needed family bonding time and watching Anna live it up the pool, she loves
to swim and play in the water and mommy really enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub for the first time in 9 or so months:).

Cocktails in the hot tub:)  Yes, Anna asked for her own "cocktail" (white soda and lime)

Grandpa enjoys a snuggle :)

Evie loved the warmth of the pool area

Next on tap for the Seidel's - more basement work (starting electrical) and  getting ready and looking forward to Liz and Brett's wedding in a few short weeks:)

Monday, January 28, 2013

{PHOTOBOMB! - Evie's Newborn Pictures}

Shortly after coming home from the hospital, Kelly came over and took pictures of Miss Evie. One of my regrets with Anna was that we took her to have her picture taken around 3 months and never had pictures taken right away and they are only so tiny and "pose-able" for so long. So when Kelly asked if she could come and take some pictures, I was thrilled. We had fun taking the pictures and I loved that I got to use so many of my favorite hats (My favorite winter accessory for Evie!). I think at one point I even commented I kind of want to have another one so we can do this again, but Bob has reminded me that is no reason to have a baby, so we will wait on that for now:).  Anyway, Kelly sent over so many cute pictures, but below are just a "few" of my favorites!



Friday, January 4, 2013

{Everly Claire Seidel}

Bob, Anna, and I are proud to share that Everly Claire made her debut on 12/31/2012 at 12:17 AM.  Everly weighed 7 lb, 12 oz at birth and was 19 inches long.  I was scheduled for an induction on January 2, as Bob and I were hoping for a 2013 baby, but little Miss Evie had other plans.  While the tax deduction will be great, Anna has to have surgery on her thumb in 2013, so we were hoping to knock the deductible out in one shot.  Either way, we are so excited that she is here and happy to report we are doing great!

I woke up on Sunday morning and felt good, but told Bob I felt like I should walk so we got dressed, ate, and packed up and headed to the mall to walk around.  Sure enough, shortly after getting there I told Bob I felt like I had a contraction or two.  So I started noting them and they were anywhere from 9 to 17 minutes apart.  Around 1, we met up with my mom and my mom, Anna and I headed to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner before going to my parents to watch the game.  While at the store the contractions started to pick up and by the time we got back to my parents they were more like 8-9 minutes apart.  Bob downloaded an app to track them on the ipad and we settled in for the game.  By halftime they were closer to 5 or 6 minutes apart so I called the Dr.  Unfortunately my Dr was on vacation for New Years, but the on call Dr said we could come in to be checked and monitored.  By the time we got to the hospital, they were 3-4 minutes apart.  We spent close to 3 hours in triage walking and walking and finally I had progressed enough to be admitted, close to 5 cm.  Once admitted and in our room, I quickly requested an epidural.  They had to call the Dr in to administer it and he was at home, so what felt like an eternity, but it was only like 20-30 minutes before I got the epidural.  Once I received the epidural, I was blissfully in heaven.  I quickly went from 5 cm to 10 in the next half hour and after about 40 minutes of pushing Evie made her big debut.  Overall, I was in active labor for about 6 hours and it wasn't too bad.  (I can say that now that is over:))

Everly is doing great!  She is eating like a champ and on a very consistent 3 hour schedule.  Both Bob and I can't get over how easy going and content she is.  She is as cute as a button and Anna loves to help!  She likes to help with feeding, diaper changes and loves to hold her.  Bob goes back to work next week so we have quite a few transitions to work through ahead of us, but are looking forward to settling in with our new addition and getting sleep whenever we can:)  Below are some pictures from her big debut!

My mom was so excited she got to be there for the birth!

Evie and Dad

Grandma loving grand-daughter #2!

Anna is so excited to be a big sister!

The perks of a New Years Eve baby - champagne in the hospital  - thanks Kelly!
Proud Grandparents
Grandma Seidel enjoys a snuggle
Papa Paul made it up that night to meet Miss Evie
First Family Photo

Aunt Liz and Anna take a peak at Miss Evie