

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{It's That Time of Year Again!}

Bay Beach time that is!  With the beautiful weather we have had the past month or so, we have managed to take the time to hit up both Bay Beach and the Wildlife Sanctuary a few times already this spring.  Anna is all in when it comes to visiting either of these "hot spots" for kids!  She absolutely loves riding the rides at Bay Beach - I think the train and merry go round are still her fave, but she also enjoys the ones like the lady bugs, trucks, catepillars, etc.  We also have enjoyed going to the Wildlife Sanctuary and feeding the "rockies."  We taught Anna to say robin this spring, which has translated to "rockie" and now every bird we see is "rockie".  Nonetheless, we have had such fun taking her out and about and look forward to doing it much more this summer. 

First Ride!

Love the merry go round!
I suppose we need to teach her to look forward when we drive?

Cruising in the catepillar!
Feeding the ducks with our cousins!

Daddy & Anna

Checking out the owls

Grandma with all her grandkids for her birthday!

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