

Sunday, February 19, 2012

{Family Fun Day!}

Today we took a ride up to Door County and spent the day at Heritage Lake in Egg Harbor.  My parents own some land at Heritage Lake, and while they haven't built on it yet, we still get to take advantage of the club house and its amenities.  It is great to go up their in the winter when it is relatively quiet and play in the pool.  We went up with my parents and Brett and Liz and had a great time.  The water is so warm and Anna absolutely loved swimming!  We gave the water rings a try for the first time and she did fairly well...although I think "throw all the pool noodles in the hot tub" was a more fun game.  All in all we all enjoyed the swimming and time with family...I absolutely heart days like today - we look forward to going up again soon!

Love playing with my dad!

Anna is totally into Auntie Liz right now!

So wanting to make the jump!

Love my little lady!

Family Fun....I loooove:)

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