So I totally meant to post Anna's 18 month update...last month...and never got around to it, so here it goes, one month late...(and on a side note, how the heck is she nearly 19 months already and a full blown toddler? Where does the time go?!?!?)
At 18/19 Months....Anna... absolutely the funniest thing ever...she manages to crack us up all day long. And is by far, the busiest little bee! Honest to god, she is constantly, as all toddlers are, on the move all day long, with the exception of a nice long nap in the afternoon. I get to spend two days a week home with her and am 10 times more exhausted at the end of the day then a day I go to work, but I have also have 10 times more fun:) kinda, sorta, totally 100% into taking a bath....all you have to say is, "Anna, bath?" and she runs for the bathroom stripping as those little feet move a million miles a minute:) Bath time has turned into daddy and Anna time and I love to listen from the other side of the wall...Bob is currently teaching her put the toy basketball into the hoop and shout, "2 points!" It's pretty funny...
...Not much of a eater, likes to graze throughout the day, especially for breakfast. One of her recent favorites is turkey and confirms she loves it/wants it by screaming TURKEEEE!!! when we go into the fridge. Other faves are oranges, peaches, spaghetti, ham, yogurt, cottage cheese, pizza, sloppy joes, and pretty much anything with noodles - total carbs girl, I can't blame her! She is not afraid of flavor (I am amazed when she begs for something spicy and likes it) and also loves her milk and apple juice.
...weighed in at her 18 month check up at 21 pounds and 32 inches long.
...starting to repeat everything we say and seems to be talking more and more with every passing day...
...loves puppies and loves babies...can spot a baby and a puppy a mile away, and points out every puppy and baby wherever we go!
...everything is "mine". For example, my book, my puppy, my ney-ney (we called her pacifier "nuksey" for the longest time, which translated to ney-ney. We are looking forward to getting rid of that one).
...we have a new weekend morning ritual in the Seidel house, after Anna wakes up, Bob goes and gets her and some milk, brings her into the bedroom and we cuddle and watch Dinosaur Train and Thomas the Train...these are by far some of my most favorites times as a family...and I think Anna's too as I will catch mid day climbing onto the bed, pointing the remote at the TV, and yelling "ma-ma, ma-ma."
Here are some pics from Anna's 18 month shoot, graciously taken by our good friend Kelly. Once a again, she did an awesome job!!! Enjoy:)
The next two are of our sweet puppies Oscar and Belle, never wanting to be left out, they didn't miss an opportunity to pose for the camera....Anna loves these two to death and they are so good with her!
Oscar - who for whatever reason has been dubbed, Oscar Buddy. His go with the flow, laid back personality fits well with Anna - he tolerates just about anything! |
Sweet Belle, she keeps a little more of a distance with Anna, but I am always finding her laying on Anna's clothes and blankets...and Belle is always at Anna's door when she wakes up or paws at me when she hears her in the morning. Very much a protector. |