

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Anna's First Birthday Bash}

This past Saturday, we celebrated Anna's first birthday in a big way with her first birthday party with friends and family - a big thank you to all who came to help us celebrate and for all the great birthday gifts - Anna has been such a busy little bee this week playing with all of her new toys!  I enjoyed making party decorations and preparing food and Bob cooked burgers and made sloppy joes for all to enjoy - it was a hot day, which provided a perfect opportunity to use the kiddie pool later on after the party had died down.  After our guests had left, we enjoyed playing yard games outside with the Seidel family and neighbors.  Unfortunately, Anna played so hard at her party, she crashed before she could enjoy her birthday cupcake.  After she woke up from her late afternoon nap and had some dinner, Bob and I enjoyed watching her dig in!

It was a great day complete with good company, drinks, good food, a gift opening and lots of little kiddos playing together!  Enjoy some pictures from Anna's big day!!!

Anna's Happy Birthday Banner with many of our favorite pictures from Anna's first year!

Kitchen decorated and ready for the party

Birthday Cupcakes!

Happy Birthday Anna!

I honestly had no idea this pinwheel would provide as much entertainment as it did - Anna LOVES it!

Playing with friend Ava

Birthday girls!  Grandma S with Anna and cousin Izzy - 6 days apart!

Too much birthday party fun!

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