

Monday, April 25, 2011

{A Hippitty Hoppitty Easter!}

The Seidel Family would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter!  We had a wonderful holiday!  Saturday evening, Bob, Anna, and I finally had a night at home and had the opportunity to dye Easter eggs.  I can remember dyeing eggs last year when I was pregnant, and wow, what a difference a year can make!  It is hard to believe how far we have come.  Anna enjoyed dying the eggs, although I think she was more interested in eating the final product more than anything, as you will see below!

Bob made a egg for Anna...

And Anna thought it looked good enough to eat:)
We woke up Sunday morning to find the Easter Bunny had paid us a visit - Anna was very excited to see that he had come!

The Easter Bunny brought Anna a basket filled with goodies, including some new toys, a new hat, and a new onesie.  He also brought some colorful play mats to use this summer outside - Anna had a lots of fun playing with them and discovering a new texture.  He also included a card that said while this year he didn't hide Anna's basket, next year it won't be so easy to find:)  Below is a link to a video of Anna checking out her you can see, the easter grass was a big hit!

After breakfast and a (very) quick nap, we all got all dressed up, went to mass, and then spent the day at my parents for Easter dinner.  We were happy to share the day with Bob's parents, Elizabeth and Brett, and my Grandma, and Aunt.  After an exciting Easter egg hunt, we enjoyed a wonderful Easter dinner complete with a traditional ham AND deep-fryed wings (because who wouldn't want to have wings for Easter dinner?).

Below are some more pictures from our weekend - Enjoy!

See my new tooth?
Bunny Butt!

Love my new play mats!

Not so crazy about the bunny ears...

All dressed up!

Thank you for all my new Easter gifts!

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