...Weighed in at a whopping 15 lb, 8 oz – you are getting sooo big;)
...Loves to eat carrots, green beans, apples, pear and cinnamon, and Ella’s Kitchen organic Broccoli, peas, and pears …not so sure about avocado, prunes and bananas (who could blame you?:)).
...Love to drink out of a sippy cup with your "yum-yums" – such a big girl!
...Starting to get into a really good nap routine. You take a morning nap right about 9:00 each day and sleep for 1-2 hours. You take an afternoon nap for an hour or so and typically crash pretty early at night.
...Love to watch Seasame Street - Love that Elmo!
...Love your bath, especially kicking you legs in the water and playing with your bath toys.
...Still like to be swaddled at night. You nap fine without it during the day, but still seem to like it at night. We hope to start transitioning you out of it in the next few weeks – no pressure little lady! :)
...Bedtime Routine - You like to read books, especially turning pages and touching different textures. (Love to read That’s Not My Teddy Bear) Also very intrigued by Scout, your talking puppy {“Hi Anna, do you want to sing a song?” or our favorite, “I want a puppy, it’s my favorite animal, and I want him to be pink, it’s my favorite color, and I will feed him carrots, that’s my favorite food, and I will name him Anna, just like you!”}. You crash super early at night, sometimes even as early as 6:00 PM, but typically around 7:00 or 7:30 and sleep until 7:00 the next morning. You often wake once at night typically around 3:00 AM. A pop in of the pacifier or a quick rock typically gets you to doze back off to dreamland:)
...You are a busy girl – can roll over both directions and roll to your tummy all the time. You are starting to push up on your legs and rocking; we think you will be crawling in no time. Very good at sitting up on your own and will tumble down to your belly when reaching for something. LOVE to bounce – jumperoo or no jumperoo - just the words, “bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, will get a big o’ grin out of you! Love to put on a show in the bouncer, especially when people over , I think you know how just stinkin cute you are!
...You reach for EVERYTHING within reach. You love to sit up on the kitchen island in your Bumbo and help mommy and daddy cook dinner. It's fun to watch take it all in, smell food and spices, and touch new textures.
...No teeth yet!
...Love to go, go go, and very social, will smile, coo, and giggle at just about anything or anyone. Especially those puppies - Love to watch them play.
...You are the happiest baby - I cannot tell you how many times I get asked "she is so happy - is she always like this?"
...Love to take off your socks and suck on those cute little piggy toes…
...How is it that you are 6 months already? Crazy to think how long 6 months of being pregnant seemed to be and how fast our first 6 months with you have gone! Hugs & Kisses Annas!
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