I cannot believe I am 39 weeks along in my pregnancy now and Baby Seidel could arrive at any time. Bob and I have spent the past few weeks making last minute preparations for our baby’s arrival and are hoping he or she arrives soon! My emotions range from anxious, nervous, excited, and scared all in a day’s span. We spent this past weekend running errands, some last minute house cleaning, and just trying to relax and enjoy our time together with the puppies, knowing that our family of four will soon be a family of five! Saturday was a great day – we ran a few errands in the morning and then came home to relax. Being pregnant and it being such a hot summer has only intensified my desire for a pool. While Bob and I both agree we want to have pool some day, we know we won’t be in our current house forever and we want to wait for our next home to put one in. When we got home, I noticed our neighbors down the street were sitting in one of those blow up pools, having a few cocktails and having a great time. I never really noticed how big those blow up pools were! Bob caught one look at me watching them and I think he knew what was in his future. I ran to Wal-Mart to pick one up. 30 minutes later Bob and I were soaking in our very own swimming pool – I couldn’t wipe smile off my face – it was a great afternoon! After our “swim” we decided to get cleaned up and go out for what could be our last “date night” for a little while. We drove down to Appleton and had a great dinner at The Melting Pot, our favorite of ours.
Two weeks ago, our friend Kelly was gracious enough to come over and spent a few hours taking maternity pictures of Bob and I in our nursery. We had a great time and really appreciate Kelly taking the time to not only take the pictures, but also edit them, print them, and provide us a disc of them to have. The pictures turned out great – exactly what we were looking for and we were really excited to be able to do them in the nursery. Included in this post are a few of our favorites!
Other than that, it is just a waiting game from here on out…At my weekly appointment last week I was 1 cm dilated, 90% effaced and baby’s head was at a station of -1….Dr. P was very excited about our progress and was optimistic we would see more progress this week. I go to the doctor tomorrow afternoon and my fingers are crossed we will get some good news.
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