

Sunday, November 25, 2012

{First Preschool Update}

Anna has been attending First Preschool for 3 months now and we are thrilled to share she has adjusted quite well.  Dropping her off was pretty tough the first month or so, but sometime in October both her teacher and I agreed we had turned the corner and each drop off after that proved that Anna was excited to be there and play with her friends and teachers.  We were sad to learn 2 weeks ago that her teacher Miss Vonnie is moving to the baby room full time, however Anna seems to love her new teachers and seems to be adjusting quite well to the change - we are also excited to know that Baby Seidel will be in good hands with Miss Vonnie when she starts there next year!  It amazes me the things that Anna has learned while she is there just two days a week and how much she has changed at home as well - It's fun to hear her randomly sing songs, count, sing the ABC's, talk about her friends at school, etc.  Anna also had her first school pictures taken at the end of September - wish I knew how they got her to crack up as much as they did - I just love that grin!

Just last weekend, First Preschool had a float in the Green Bay Holiday Parade and we were thrilled to partake in the festivities.  The float was themed "A Bunch of Gifts" and they worked hard on decorating the manger, complete with lights and music.  Anna was a cow and all the kids sang songs they had learned in school.  It was so fun to see Anna interact with her friends and teachers and we were very impressed with all the work they put into the event - they even won an award!

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