

Sunday, June 24, 2012

{Wishing Bob a Very Happy Father's Day}

I realize this post is now a week late, but I wanted to wish Bob a very happy father's day and thank him for being such an amazing husband and father to Anna.  I absolutely love watching him play, interact, and care for Anna, he is so great with her and she absolutely beams with pride when he walks through the door at night.  A favorite of Bob and Anna's is to go to the park behind our house -I absolutely love seeing them walking through the field hand in hand, they really do make quite the the cute pair:) In honor of Father's Day, I thought I would share a video of Anna and Bob bonding by practicing their somersaults a few weeks ago -

Too stinking cute:)

Last weekend we had a free Saturday morning and took advantage by redeeming a Groupon I had purchased months ago for the Mulberry Farm in Sherwood, we had such an amazing time and the farm was perfect, Anna got to get up close to so many animals, ride a pony, and take a hay ride - below are a few pictures of our adventures!
Totally into the pony ride

Taking a peek at the bunnies

A little unsure about the baby calf

Anna and daddy enjoying the hayride

Family pic on the hayride

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