

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Anna Rae - Three Month Update

> At your 3 month well check you weighed 10 lbs 12 oz and were 23 inches long – Clearly that height comes from daddy!
> Eating – you are eating anywhere from 4 – 6 ounces of Target Up and Up brand formula each feeding and you are GOOD burper. That too must come from your daddy!
> Sleeping – you are good sleeper at night – not so much during the day. You love to be swaddled and rocked to sleep (mommy’s favorite thing to do!) You go down really easy at night and are starting to sleep through the night. If you do wake up it is typically around 3:00 AM and go right back down until 6 or 7.

> You love to flash that adorable little grin at just about anyone who talks to you in a high pitchy voice – and it amazes us what we will do to get a giggle out of you!
> Love to lay on your back and kick, especially on your play mat
> Love to go out and about – seem to get a little stir crazy when we stay home during the day (just like mommy!) – shopping seems to do the trick and you have an amazing wardrobe as a result! – Mommy just knows you will be a great shopper one day!

> Your carrier, you simply just do not like to be in it. We hate when we have to strap you up so tight!
> Napping – I think you are just like your mother – you just don’t want to miss a thing, no matter how tired you get

You have stolen our hearts little girl – We love you to pieces!!!!

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