

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

{Every 8 Month Update}

I really feel like the past couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind, as we have been on the go since Bob's brother's wedding in August. Somewhere in that time Everly turned 8 months old!

At 8 months -

- Everly is 100% mobile, and fast too! She pulls herself up on everything all the time and is constantly finding herself in tough predicaments as she gets stuck under the kitchen table, behind a chair or couch, etc. She loves to explore as long as she knows an adult is close by and absolutely hates to be left in a room alone. And, whenever she is crawling around the house, she always, without fail, has a toy in left hand.

- Has 2 front bottom teeth! - Catches on quickly and tries to mimic whatever we do. A few of her favorites is playing "SO Big!" and she loves to clap her hands.

- A few of her favorite things to eat include scrambled eggs, toast, crackers, noodles, pears, peaches and cheese. She totally feeds herself and has not interested eating from a spoon - pureed food went out the window a long time ago! She also loves to snack on puffs and Gerber wheels and cheese puffs. She does great with a sippy cup of formula or water.

- She is a pretty good sleeper, starting to skip her nightly bottle which has been awesome. This new pattern was recently interrupted this weekend as she came down with a really bad cold. Last night was the toughest, she woke up around 1:30 am with a fever, vomited a few times and was pretty inconsolable for about 3 hours. HOPEFULLY that was the worst of it, as she seems slightly better today and has been sleeping a lot. It was not a fun night and Bob and I both feel so bad for her. I hate when babies get sick and there really isn't much you can do for them but lots of cuddles and kisses. Her cry has been so pitiful the past couple of days, we certainly hope things change soon for her. And hope we get back to sleeping through the night too :)

- She looks so much like her Bob - some days I cannot get over how much she looks like him - I like to refer to her as my little "bobbette" :)

- Her favorite playtime activities include swinging at the park and playing with her big sister Anna. She pretty much follows her around the house and I love to hear them play together. I have to give Anna a lot of credit too. We are always telling her to be careful with Evie and she often gets toys pulled out of her hand, her hair pulled, etc as Evie doesn't know better and Anna is overall super patient with her. Anna is such an awesome big sister and helper!