Wow, have we been busy the past couple of weekends - I want to give a huge thanks to our parents who have totally helped us out the past two weeks and to Bob's brother Brad for pitching in tonight and helping us set up our new furniture. Two weekends ago, Anna came down with a pretty nasty cold, it was her second cold she has ever had and it hit her pretty hard, so we spent much of the weekend cuddling on my parents couch while Bob and his parents pulled up the rest of our sub floors and pulled thousands (and thousands) of staples...a huge task and I am sure it wasn't a lot of fun, we are so gracious for their help. Luckily they finished by the end of day Saturday so we were able to get some furniture shopping done on Sunday. Maccos came to start the job Monday and actually finished a day early on Thursday. They were impressed with all the pre-work we (well, mainly Bob, but I helped!) had done and since we weren't actually staying at the house (it wasn't livable in the least) they were able to work a little later in the evening to finish early. It was so fun to stop over every night to check out their progress. Last weekend was spent putting appliances back in, Bob put all the trim back on, cleaning, cleaning, and cleaning and slowly our house came back to normal. I could not believe how big of a job this really was when you consider all the trim had to be removed, as well as furniture, sinks, toliets, and appliances. But in the end, it was SO worth it, the floors are absolutely fabulous. Every time we come home, we cannot help but comment that it feels like a brand new house. We are really pleased with our choices and we think it all flows really well together. We topped it all off with buying some new furniture - a new table, chairs, server, and bar stools (and a bench for the table as well, I love it!) and a TV stand for the family room. It all came in tonight and Bob and his brother managed to set it ALL up, way to go guys!!! All Bob needs to do is set the TV back up. Anna and I are off to Manchester to visit Mike and Michele on Thursday and see their new home and we get back I plan on focusing on our laundry room/half bath. Since we painted, the decor we had in there doesn't really go and I
think I have talked Bob into building me risers for our washer and dryer..we shall see...hint, hint!!! For now, here are some pics of the work so far....
Bob pulling up the floor in the kitchen |
See, I did do some work! |
Family room before.... |
Family room after, the puppies are loving their new digs!!! While I love everything we did, the hardwood is my favorite! |
Family room again, just need to set up the TV |
Guest bathroom with new tile and new paint |
Kitchen with new tile and new table and chairs. The tile we chose was called Solerno and it was put down in an 18X18 and 12X12 pinwheel pattern. Bob really wanted to do the pinwheel and I am glad, it looks really cool. |
Another view of the kitchen |