

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

{10 Month Update}

At 10 months, Anna....

...Weighs18 lb, 12 oz, and is 28.5 inches long.  This puts her in the 38th percentile for weight and 75th for height.

...Wears 12 month clothing and sleepers, size 4 diapers, and takes three 8 oz bottles of formula a day.

...Loves to empty out the contents of just about anything…my purse, her diaper bag, the tupperware cabinets at my moms, a toy bin, or a laundry basket…apparently we are all about “sorting”!


...Has started to show a very sweet and sensitive side, especially when we first wake up from a nap.

...Puts her head down when she first meets a stranger, it is so cute.

...LOVES to eat cheese, it is like crack for Anna, as are puffs and watermelon.
...Has 7 teeth – 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. LOVE that grin - it melts our hearts!

...Has learned how to share her Cheerios (or any other snack for that matter) with the puppies…and boy do the puppies LOVE Anna:)

...Is totally into going on the swing at the park!

...Sleeps on her belly with her butt in the air..L-O-V-E!

...Is such a happy go lucky little is a Happy 10 Month Birthday in our world:)

Below are Anna's 10 month pictures, needless to say it is getting trickier and trickier to snap these as every month passes....but a little coaxing with some puffs seemed to do the trick...Enjoy!

LOVE that ruffle butt!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

{The End of an Era}

(Post is from Thursday, May 12th)

Thursday nights have always provided a glimmer of fun for Bob and I…as the work week starts to feel too long and you don’t know if you could bare another day, Bob and I typically did not stress….for we knew we had something to look forward to - wing night at Frankenstein’s… always promised for a good time….not sure if it was the promise of good food, good drinks, or the comfort of good people…probably a combination of all of the above…but on most Thursday nights, we would head out to Frankenstein’s in New Franken for dinner, drinks, laughs, and fun. We would typically be joined by Bob’s parents, their good friends, Pete and Pat Vanduyse, Bob’s Aunt Mary, and often times other family and friends, whether it be my mom and dad or the Hyska family, we were never disappointed. I can recall conversations of happy times, sad times, scary times….and everything in between.

Tonight was special in itself….two weeks ago, Bob’s sister Becky tragically lost her husband. We are still coming to grips with what happened and we don’t have many clear answers yet. It goes without saying it has been a very tough road for both the Seidel and Gulcynski family. The world lost a son, brother, father, and husband way too young. Becky and the girls came home tonight to celebrate Ann’s graduation on Saturday, and it was wonderful having them home. One of the things Becky has missed the most about not living in Green Bay is joining us for wings on Thursday night….so off to Frankenstein’s we went….only to learn as of Saturday they were shutting their doors. We were shocked to learn the news, and I think all were a little disappointed….But wouldn’t you know, tonight was one of those nights that we ALL showed up, and we had a great time! Becky - I hope you found some peace and comfort tonight with family and friends….we love you and the girls lots and are always here for you.

Thanks Frankenstein’s Crew… will be missed, but I have no doubt we will see you soon….somewhere new next Thursday night!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Love my Mommy...Oh Yes I do

This year just happens to be the first year the Melissa and myself to got to spend mother's day as parents. That being said Anna wanted to make this year special being her first with her Mommy.  With that she sent me out on a quest to find the perfect gift.  Leading up to our special day we were able to celebrate a couple birthdays on the Saturday before Mothers day.  At the first birthday party we attneded Anna helped her friend Kate celebrate the big number 1 in style with food, fun with bubbles, and a little help opening the gifts.  It was then off to Titletown to celebrate my Uncle Don's 60th birthday.  With a full day filled with lots of excitement we all rushed home to get some rest.

The morning of Mother's started out with break feast in bed for Mommy. (French Toast and Sausage) Followed by some long overdue chores (yard work) for myself.  With the grass freshly cut Mommy and Anna got to spend some time outside soaking up some sun.

So this is what fresh cut grass feels like

Who needs play mats when getting grass stains is so much more fun

 After the house and yard were clean we set forth on getting ready for the rest of the day. With a little soap and a little water all three of us were set to head my parents for a visit before heading to Melissa's aunt Colleen's, but not before giving mommy her gift.

Anna helping me give/open Melissa's Mother's Day gift

I think Anna was just as surprised as Mommy was
  After the gift opening, the rest of day was filled with a quick but enjoyable stop at my parents house and a very nice get together for dinner at Melissa's aunt's house.  Overall it was a great day and I am sure if you were to ask Melissa the mot enjoyable part of the entire day was being able to spend it with Anna as a family and with both of our mothers too.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

{9 Month Update}

At 9 months, Anna...

...Basically all out refuses to eat off a spoon.  We are all about feeding ourselves.  Anna LOVES to eat cheese, and likes to eat pears, peaches, green beans, carrots, graham crackers, puffs, and jello blocks.  Anna also takes three bottles a day as well.

...Is becoming more and more vocal...or should I say "squeaky"?  :)

...Takes two naps a day typically, and if she misses her afternoon nap, goes down really early for the night.

...Sleeps pretty well, is starting to learn how to put herself back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night.....singing voice...{HALLELUJAH!!!}

...Is a VERY busy little bee.  Anna is CONSTANTLY on the move....Below is a video of Anna's newest trick, and Bob and I could not be more proud....just today Anna started pulling herself up behind her baby stroller...and....took 3 steps!!!  She worked on this new trick all afternoon and by the end of the night, Anna could make it from one side of the room to the other....Go Annas!!!

...Points to EVERYTHING with her pointer is just too cute!

...Is oh so very social....I mean really really social...Anna absolutely LOVES is so fun to see such a cute little personality emerge:)

...LOVES her sippy cup...but only with ice water...don't even think about putting formula in it...because she will scold right back at you;)

...Has three teeth, her bottom two and top left...

...Still semi sleeps with her swaddle

...Is such a happy baby, Bob and I are so thankful to be blessed with such a sweet little girl.  We continue to cherish each moment as each month seems to speed by....Hard to believe 9 months have passed already....

Nine months ago, right before we left for the hospital...

...Nine (quick) months later, sweet Anna Rae