A little about you…..
> Your official nickname is now Anna Bananas - surely you will hate that some day!
> At four months you weigh 13 lbs and 2.5 oz
> You wear 6 month clothing (you are so long!) and size 2 diapers
> Eating - Eats about 20-25 ounces of Target Up and Up brand formula each day + one serving rice cereal at night
> Sleeping – still likes to be swaddled when you sleep whether you are down for the night or taking a morning or afternoon nap. Not the best napper, an hour in the AM and an hour in the PM if that. Can and most often does sleep through the night, wakes up around 7:00 am most morning. We start the going to bed process usually around 8:00 PM - Can be tough to get you to stay down (darn acid reflux!), but once you are down you sleep like a champ. Wakes up in the morning a very happy camper….and in all different sorts of positions…upside down, sideways, how do you do it little girl?
-Loves to jump in your jumperoo from Papa Paul and Grandpa S – figured out how to bounce and loves to do it!
-Enthralled with the TV, especially watching football – all those colors and motion, oh my!
-Loves to play with the simplest things – a recent favorite – banging on a can of formula with a wooden spoon and singing jingle bells – bring on the holidays! Ho Ho Ho!
-Loves music, lights, and motion – especially when mom and dad dance around you!
- Puppies Belle and Oscar have really taken a liking to you – especially Belle, she has started to “cuddle” next to you when you are on the floor – so precious. Oscar watches and protects from afar (the top of the brown chair, his favorite look out spot!)
-HATES your bath!!! We try so hard to make it a fun experience – doesn’t matter of the water is a little cooler or a little warmer…we do not like! Hope one day soon you will!
We love that each day you do something new - you are always keeping mom and dad on our toes!