This past weekend, the Seidel family traveled to Milwaukee for the weekend to celebrate my cousin Jessica's wedding. It was a big weekend for us...not only was it Anna's first weekend away from home, but also an opportunity for Anna to see Auntie Michele and to meet Uncle Mike for the first time. We were also excited to spend the weekend with Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Brett. Friday Bob had to work and I spent the morning making final packing arrangements and getting us ready for a weekend away. While it seemed like we had packed up Anna's entire nursery, I am proud to say there was only one outfit she didn't wear that we had packed, so I think I did pretty good. We drove down to Milwaukee in the afternoon. Prior to checking into our hotel, we took a detour and walked around Marquette University to show Anna were mommy went to school. It was a great visit - the weather was beautiful and the trees were gorgeous. Anna slept through most of our visit, but I was thrilled to be back and take in all the memories of being there.
Friday night was a great night - we ordered pizza and ate at the hotel with mom, dad, Liz and Brett. Michele and Mike got in around 9 and then we met up with family and had a few drinks and caught up. The wedding was on Saturday and was beautiful. Jessica looked gorgeous in her dress and the ceremony was great. Big congrats Jessica and Ben! Anna was an angel all weekend - turns out she is quite the social bug these days. After everything was said and done, she even slept through the night both nights. We weren't sure if she would sleep in the pack and play the hotel supplied for us, so we tried just putting her in the stroller, which she did great in.
We came home on Sunday and picked up the puppies at Paul and Lois's and got ready for the Packer Game. Michele and Mike had gotten tickets for the game, and Bob and I had decided we didn't want to go to the game, but didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to tailgate. Despite the rain and clouds, we went down to Lambeau to join in on the tailgating festivities - it was a great way to end the weekend! We were thrilled to catch up with Aunt Stacy and Uncle Scott as well. All in all, it was a great weekend and one I cant wait to tell Anna all about when she is older! We are looking forward to Anna's first Halloween this weekend - Anna is all set with her costume - pictures to come soon!