

Thursday, April 23, 2015

{Bathroom Complete}

Bob and I have been busy working downstairs organzing and setting up the different rooms. The first room to really be "done" is the bathroom. We are anxiously waiting for our new furniture to be delivered and have been busy organzing toys and getting ready for our annual rummage sale next month.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

{Happy Birthday Bob!}

Bob's birthday was this past Friday. We celebrated Friday night by going out for some drinks and dinner at Titletown with some friends and had a blast. Saturday Bob helped his sister in her basement so my mom and I kept the girls busy. We went over to the Packer Pro Shop to get some gifts for Bob for the basement. Then we took the girls to lunch at Zesty's by Anna's request and headed out to the Wildlife Sanctuary. It is finally consistently warming up to 60 degrees or more each day and is so wonderful to enjoy the fresh air! After that we headed back to my moms to make dinner, a cake, and wrap his gifts. The girls absolutely love celebrating birthdays and Saturday was no exception. They did a great job on decorating his spice cake (I held them back on adding leftover peeps from Easter) and loved singing Happy Birthday to Bob. Thanks love for all you do for us, we are so incredibly lucky and blessed!
Celebrating Bob's Bday at Titletown

Quick stop at the Pro Shop with Gma!
Decorating Daddy's cake

{Basement Complete!}

Sooooo excited to report that the final step on the basement was completed this week and we now have a finished product to enjoy! Over the weekend, Bob's parents came over to help us do the final touches in preperation for the carpet to get laid. Bob needed to cut a few holes in the walls for access to cables and such, the bar had to be moved to it's final resting place and the entire basement needed a good cleaning including wiping down all the walls, sucking up all the dust, etc. We finished early Sunday afternoon with enough time to grill out and enjoy the beautiful weather we are finally getting. The girls loved playing with their cousins all day and were totally beat by 4:00 pm. Everly crashed around 5;15 and slept until 6:30 the next morning. We are absolutely thrilled with the final product and are anxious to start getting things organized and where we want them. The girls loved helping Bob and I last night as we started to pull things out of storage. We plan on moving our furniture upstairs to the basement and will start shopping for new furniture upstairs. It is so nice that we haved added so much extra living space to enjoy and are so thankful for everyone who has pitched in and helped along the way! Below are some pictures. I didnt realize I had a filter on my camera when I took them, so the walls look slightly green. In reality they are a super light and nuetral brownish/beige color as you can see better in the last photo.
View looking right from when you come down the stairs.  This will be a living space & Bob's bar
Looking the opposite direction from above.  The door is a door to a bedroom.  To the right is a hallway to bathroom and office/playroom
Bedroom and closet
Hallway to office/playroom and bathroom
Bathroom - it is hard to get a picuture of the whole thing in one shot.  We have a toliet, shower and sink,
Office/Playroom for the girls
Bob's bar