

Sunday, October 23, 2011

{Anna's First Pumpkin Carving!}

Today we got to carve pumpkins for the first time and needless to say Anna's favorite part was digging into the gooey part of the pumpkin and once she got into it she was such a big helper seperating out the pumpkin seeds so we could roast them!  Carving pumpkins is not exactly my cup of tea (oh, the mess!!!) and I cannot even remember the last time I did it, but I must say they turned out pretty well!  Big thanks to Lois and Papa Paul for helping us out!!!!

Anna making her newest face at Papa Paul - love it!

Not so sure about this!

Anna and Bob with the final works of art!

Today was a very exciting day for another reason - we were thrilled to learn Elizabeth and Brett got engaged!!!  Brett proposed up in Door County and they are both very very very excited!  (As are we!)  Bob and I are so excited to celebrate both Elizabeth and Bretts wedding in 2013 as well as Ann and Brads - it is going to be a very good year!  Lots of love you guys - you're the best!!!

Congratulations Liz and Brett!!!! - Such a cute couple!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

{15 Month Update}

After a two month hiatus on the monthly updates, I thought I better take the time to write down all the fun things Anna has been delighting us with recently.  With each passing day, Anna seems to get just a little bit busier, if that is even possible, so it is hard to find the time to jot down all of her latest tricks…
So, at 15 months, Anna….

...Is obsessed with having anything we have – whether it is the TV remote, a cell phone, a drink, a snack, it doesn’t matter, if we have it she has to have it as well.

...Likes to play the Elmo’s Monster Mash App on my phone – keeps her busy on shopping trips when she gets a little antsy…

...Is absolutely 100% in love with her bath…she would play in the tub for hours with the same 6 toys if we would let her…that or turn into a prune!

...Waves bye-bye when we or anyone else for that matter gets in a car….

...Loves to give kisses….by far my most favorite of Anna’s “tricks”

,,,Broke 4 molars this past month, which brings us to a total of 12 teeth!!!

...Is in major LOVE with puppies.  In fact, puppy was Anna’s first official word!  While it seems every four legged creature is a puppy, she can spot an actual puppy a mile away and squeals with delight when she sees one.  She loves to play “tug” with them, which typically results in Oscar or Belle dragging her across the family room while she squeals with delightJ  She loves to hug them, lay on them, kiss them, she honestly cannot get enough of “puppies.”  I will admit I was a little disappointed when I sat down to show Anna our wedding album and she pointed to my mother and said, “puppy?”

...In addition to puppy, Anna says mama, da (dad), Uh oh, and there.

...Thinks it is absolutely hystarical when she gives "tickles" and with that adorable laugh that follows, you cannot help but crack up!

...Is a fairly good eater…WHEN SHE IS NOT IN HER HIGHCHAIR!…She really is not a fan of sitting in a high chair for longer than 10 minutes, unless Sesame Street is on…but when she does eat, she loves eggs and ham for breakfast (with the occasional french toast stick or waffle thrown in), hot dogs, mac and cheese, any sort of pasta casserole, PICKLES, cheese, corn, all kinds of fruits, she absolutely loves Festivals Greek Feta pasta salad from the deli.

...I absolutely cannot get enough of her walking around the house, waving her hands all around, and squealing out – da, da, da, da, da, da….If only we knew what was going on in that little world of hers!

...She loves to dance - aka bop up and down to the beat of music and “spin”, while pivoting on one foot.

...Misplaces everything in the house…More often than not, I have lost my phone, contacts, the remote, etc…for some reason the PAM spray from the pantry is CONSTANTLY missing (I have lost 3!) and I love when I come across something that I was so frustrated trying to find…like in the
refrigerator or some other crazy place like that, and I cannot help but smile…She certainly keeps us on our toes!

We are looking forward to spending this weekend getting ready for our annual Halloween party next weekend and doing some stuff around the house...the decorations are set and the costumes are (almost) ready - we are looking forward to carving pumpkins with Anna and enjoying Halloween and all the fun that comes with it with Annas next weekend!

Below are some pictures we took from our recent trip to a pumpkin patch - The first part of October was unseasonably warm, and so we thouroughly enjoyed an afternoon full of fun at the pumpkin patch, petting zoo, corn maze, and park.